Lucy Watkins Lucy Watkins



Unravelling the Enigmatic Mysteries of Quartz: Lemurian, Lightning-Struck, and Beyond

Quartz, a gemstone of unparalleled diversity and mystique, has fascinated humanity for eons. From the ancient civilizations to modern metaphysical practices, quartz holds a revered place as a conduit of spiritual energy and transformation. In this journey of discovery, we delve into the captivating realms of Lemurian quartz and lightning-struck quartz, exploring their unique characteristics, metaphysical significance, and the locales where they are found.

The Diversity of Quartz

As one of the most abundant minerals on the planet, quartz comes in many different varieties such as smoky quartz, rose quartz, amethyst, citrine, rutilated quartz, tigers eye, aventurine, chalcedony, ametrine, prasiolite, dumortierite, onyx, agate, jasper and more. We are going to focus on just 2 of the most high vibrational varieties.

1. Lemurian Quartz:

Named after the mythical lost continent of Lemuria, Lemurian quartz crystals are distinguished by their horizontal striations, reminiscent of ladder-like patterns ascending the crystal's faces. Legend has it that these markings serve as channels for accessing ancient wisdom and spiritual enlightenment. Lemurian quartz is revered for its high vibrational frequency, making it a potent tool for meditation, intuitive development, and soul connection.

Localities: Lemurian quartz is primarily found in Brazil, Madagascar, and the United States, with notable occurrences in the Serra do Cabral region of Brazil and the Sahatany Valley in Madagascar.

Specific Properties

Lemurian Seed Crystals: These rare formations are characterized by their ladder-like striations and are believed to contain encoded messages from the ancient Lemurian civilization. They are revered for their ability to facilitate spiritual evolution, activate the higher chakras, and unlock hidden knowledge.

Lemurian Starbrary Crystals: These unique crystals feature etched markings resembling star maps or hieroglyphs and are associated with advanced spiritual teachings and cosmic wisdom. They are prized for their ability to facilitate interdimensional communication, soul retrieval, and past-life regression.

2. Lightning-Struck Quartz:

Born from the fierce embrace of nature's fury, lightning-struck quartz bears witness to the electrifying dance between sky and earth. When lightning strikes the ground, it superheats the surrounding sand or soil, fusing it with quartz crystals and leaving behind intricate patterns known as Lichtenberg figures. This unique variety of quartz is imbued with the raw energy of lightning, symbolizing rapid transformation, sudden insight, and divine intervention.

Localities: Lightning-struck quartz is found in regions prone to thunderstorms and lightning strikes, including parts of the United States (such as Arkansas and Colorado), Brazil, and Australia.

Specific Properties

Lichtenberg Figures: These intricate patterns, resembling branching tree limbs or lightning bolts, are formed within the quartz crystal as a result of the intense heat and pressure generated by the lightning strike. They are believed to carry the elemental energies of fire, air, and earth, infusing the crystal with potent transformative energy.

Electromagnetic Activation: Lightning-struck quartz is said to be highly charged with electromagnetic energy, making it an effective tool for amplifying intentions, catalysing spiritual growth, and clearing energetic blockages. It is prized by healers and energy workers for its ability to activate the chakras and restore balance to the body's energy field.

Metaphysical Properties of Quartz

Quartz, in all its diverse forms, shares common metaphysical properties that have made it a cherished companion in spiritual practices worldwide:

Amplification: Quartz amplifies the energies of other stones and intentions, magnifying their effects and catalysing spiritual growth and transformation.

Clarity and Focus: Clear quartz enhances mental clarity, concentration, and spiritual insight, making it an invaluable tool for meditation, visualization, and manifestation.

Healing and Balance: Quartz cleanses, balances, and aligns the chakras, promoting physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. It facilitates energetic healing and acts as a gentle yet powerful ally on the journey to wholeness.

Protection: Quartz creates a protective shield around the aura, deflecting negative energies and psychic attacks while promoting a sense of safety, security, and inner peace.

Harnessing the Power of Quartz

Whether you're drawn to the serene energy of rose quartz, the grounding presence of smoky quartz, or the transformative power of lightning-struck quartz, incorporating quartz into your spiritual practice can enrich your life in profound ways:

Meditation: Hold a Lemurian quartz crystal during meditation to access ancient wisdom and elevate your consciousness to higher realms of understanding and awareness.

Healing: Place rose quartz over the heart chakra during energy healing sessions to soothe emotional wounds, foster self-love, and cultivate a deeper sense of compassion and empathy.

Protection: Carry a piece of smoky quartz with you to ward off negativity and create a shield of energetic protection wherever you go.

Manifestation: Use clear quartz to amplify your intentions and manifest your desires with clarity, focus, and unwavering determination.

Final Thoughts:

Quartz, with its boundless beauty and metaphysical allure, invites us to embark on a journey of self-discovery, healing, and spiritual growth. Whether we're drawn to the ancient wisdom of Lemurian quartz, the electrifying energy of lightning-struck quartz, or the nurturing embrace of rose quartz, each variety offers a unique pathway to transformation and enlightenment. Embrace the magic of quartz and allow its radiant energy to illuminate your path, guiding you toward greater harmony, balance, and fulfillment in every aspect of your life.

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Lucy Watkins Lucy Watkins


Title: Exploring the Radiant Peridot: History, Uses, and Metaphysical Properties

Peridot, with its captivating green hue, has long been cherished for its beauty and mystical properties. This vibrant gemstone has a rich history, fascinating uses, and an array of metaphysical properties that make it a beloved choice for both jewellery enthusiasts and spiritual practitioners.

History and Origin

Peridot's history dates back thousands of years, with origins traced to the volcanic island of Zabargad (also known as St. John's Island) in the Red Sea. Ancient Egyptians called it the "gem of the sun" and believed it had protective powers against evil spirits. Cleopatra was said to have adored peridot, considering it her favorite gemstone.

The gemstone's name is derived from the Arabic word "faridat," meaning gem, and later evolved into "peridot." It has also been referred to as "olivine" due to its olive-green color, stemming from its composition of iron and magnesium silicate.

Geological Formation and Sources

Peridot is formed deep within the Earth's mantle and brought to the surface through volcanic activity. It is a type of olivine mineral found in lava and meteorites. While historically associated with Zabargad Island, peridot is now sourced from various regions worldwide, including Arizona, China, Myanmar, Pakistan, and Tanzania.

Uses and Symbolism

Peridot's vibrant green hue has made it a popular choice for jewelry, especially in rings, earrings, necklaces, and bracelets. Its stunning color complements both gold and silver settings, adding a touch of elegance to any piece.

Beyond its ornamental uses, peridot has been revered for its symbolic significance. It is often associated with love, abundance, and prosperity, making it a meaningful gift for birthdays, anniversaries, and other special occasions. In ancient times, it was believed to ward off nightmares and bring about peace and harmony.

Metaphysical Properties

Peridot is believed to possess a variety of metaphysical properties that can benefit the wearer:

  1. Spiritual Growth: Peridot is thought to stimulate personal growth and spiritual development, helping individuals connect with their inner wisdom and higher consciousness.

  2. Emotional Healing: It is said to have a calming effect on emotions, promoting mental clarity and alleviating stress, anxiety, and anger.

  3. Protection: Peridot is believed to provide protection against negative energies and psychic attacks, creating a shield of positivity around the wearer.

  4. Manifestation: Some practitioners use peridot to amplify their intentions and manifest their desires, facilitating the manifestation process.

  5. Physical Healing: In alternative medicine, peridot is associated with improving digestion, detoxification, and boosting the immune system. It is also believed to alleviate physical ailments such as headaches and digestive issues.


Peridot's timeless beauty, rich history, and metaphysical properties make it a gemstone that resonates with people on many levels. Whether worn for its aesthetic appeal or its spiritual significance, peridot continues to captivate hearts and minds around the world, serving as a symbol of love, abundance, and personal growth.

Whether you're drawn to peridot for its stunning appearance or its metaphysical properties, incorporating this radiant gemstone into your life can bring joy, harmony, and positive energy.

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Lucy Watkins Lucy Watkins


The Mystique of Obsidian: Unveiling the Enigmatic Gemstone

In the realm of gemstones, there are few as enigmatic and captivating as obsidian. With its deep, glossy black hue and unique formation, obsidian holds a rich history, diverse uses, and a wealth of metaphysical properties that have intrigued civilizations for millennia. Let's delve into the fascinating world of obsidian, exploring its origins, geographical sources, practical applications, and the mystical allure it holds in the realm of metaphysics.

Origins and History

Obsidian, often referred to as nature's glass, is a naturally occurring volcanic glass formed when molten lava rapidly cools. This rapid cooling process prevents the crystallization of the molten material, resulting in a smooth, glassy texture. The origins of obsidian date back thousands of years, with evidence of its use by ancient civilizations such as the Mayans, Aztecs, and Egyptians.

Ancient cultures revered obsidian for its sharpness, utilizing it for crafting tools, weapons, and ceremonial objects. Its association with protection, divination, and spiritual practices was widespread across various civilizations, making it a staple in religious rituals and healing ceremonies.

Locations Mined

Obsidian can be found in regions with volcanic activity, including but not limited to:

1.    Mexico: The central and southern regions of Mexico are renowned for their vast deposits of obsidian, with significant sources found near the city of Pachuca and in the state of Jalisco.

2.    United States: Obsidian is also prevalent in the western United States, particularly in areas with volcanic history such as the Cascade Range in Oregon, the Sierra Nevada Mountains in California, and Yellowstone National Park.

3.    Turkey: The Anatolian region of Turkey boasts abundant obsidian deposits, which have been mined for thousands of years.

4.    Greece: The Aegean islands, including Milos and Santorini, are known for their obsidian sources, utilized extensively in ancient times.


The versatility of obsidian extends beyond its historical significance, finding practical applications in modern times:

  • Jewellery: Due to its striking appearance and smooth texture, obsidian is a popular choice for Jewellery crafting, ranging from elegant pendants to statement rings.

  • Cutting Tools: Despite the advent of modern technology, obsidian blades are still valued for their razor-sharp edges, used in surgical instruments and precision cutting tools.

  • Ornamental Objects: From ornate sculptures to decorative vases, obsidian's lustrous surface adds a touch of sophistication to any artistic creation.

  • Spiritual Tools: Obsidian mirrors, often used in scrying practices, are believed to enhance spiritual insight and reflection.

Metaphysical Properties

In the realm of metaphysics, obsidian is revered for its potent energy and protective qualities:

  • Grounding and Protection: Obsidian is thought to absorb negative energy and provide a shield against psychic attacks, making it a valuable talisman for spiritual protection.

  • Emotional Healing: By fostering a deep connection with the Earth's energy, obsidian aids in emotional healing and purification, helping individuals release past traumas and negative patterns.

  • Insight and Clarity: Obsidian's reflective surface serves as a metaphorical mirror, facilitating self-reflection, introspection, and the attainment of inner wisdom.

  • Chakra Balancing: Different varieties of obsidian, such as Snowflake Obsidian and Mahogany Obsidian, are associated with specific chakras, aiding in their alignment and harmonization.                              

Snowflake Obsidian: Snowflake Obsidian is characterized by its distinctive black colour with white or grey speckles resembling snowflakes, formed due to the inclusion of cristobalite during its formation process. This variety of obsidian is primarily associated with the Root Chakra, also known as Muladhara. Located at the base of the spine, the Root Chakra governs our sense of stability, security, and connection to the physical world. Snowflake Obsidian's grounding energy helps to anchor and stabilize the Root Chakra, promoting a sense of safety, resilience, and inner strength. By clearing blockages and dispelling negative energy, Snowflake Obsidian fosters a strong foundation for personal growth and transformation.

Mahogany Obsidian: Mahogany Obsidian, distinguished by its deep reddish-brown hue interspersed with black or grey patterns, is closely linked with the Sacral Chakra, or Svadhishthana. Situated in the lower abdomen, the Sacral Chakra governs creativity, passion, and emotional balance. Mahogany Obsidian's warm and nurturing energy stimulates creativity, ignites passion, and enhances vitality, making it an ideal stone for those seeking to unleash their creative potential and cultivate a deeper connection with their emotions. By harmonizing the Sacral Chakra, Mahogany Obsidian encourages a sense of flow, spontaneity, and joy in one's life, empowering individuals to express themselves authentically and pursue their passions with enthusiasm.


Obsidian stands as a testament to the beauty, resilience, and mystique of nature's creations. From its origins in ancient civilizations to its modern-day applications in jewellery-making and spiritual practices, obsidian continues to captivate and inspire individuals around the world. Whether worn as a piece of adornment or wielded as a tool for inner exploration, obsidian's allure transcends time, inviting us to delve deeper into the mysteries of the Earth and the soul.


While gemstones like Obsidian have been used for centuries in holistic healing practices, it's essential to recognize that they are not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Gemstone therapy and chakra balancing techniques should complement, not replace, conventional medical care.

Individuals with medical conditions or those undergoing medical treatment should consult with a qualified healthcare professional before incorporating gemstones into their wellness routine. Some gemstones may interact with certain medications or medical conditions, so it's crucial to seek personalized guidance to ensure safe and effective use.

Furthermore, the information provided about the metaphysical properties of Snowflake Obsidian and Mahogany Obsidian is based on anecdotal evidence and traditional beliefs. Scientific research on the efficacy of gemstone therapy for chakra balancing is limited, and individual experiences may vary.

If you experience any adverse reactions or discomfort while working with gemstones, discontinue use immediately and consult a healthcare provider. Remember to prioritize your health and well-being by approaching gemstone therapy and chakra balancing practices with caution and informed awareness.

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Lucy Watkins Lucy Watkins

Noreena Jasper

Unveiling the Mystique of Noreena Jasper


Noreena Jasper, a captivating and enigmatic gemstone, has captured the fascination of many due to its unique blend of earthy colours and profound metaphysical properties. In this blog post, we will delve into the origins and locations of Noreena Jasper and explore its metaphysical significance.

Discovering Noreena Jasper's Origins and Locations

Noreena Jasper, also known as Australian Picasso Jasper, derives its name from the Noreena Station in Western Australia, where it was first discovered. This remote and pristine region is renowned for yielding some of the most exquisite specimens of this stone. The distinct patterns and rich colours found in Noreena Jasper are a result of the mineral composition and geological processes that occurred over millions of years in this unique locale.

Other locations where Noreena Jasper can be found include Madagascar and South Africa. Each region contributes its own character to the stone, showcasing a diverse array of colours and patterns.

Metaphysical Properties of Noreena Jasper

Noreena Jasper is not just a visually stunning gemstone; it is also revered for its metaphysical attributes. While individual experiences may vary, some commonly associated metaphysical properties of Noreena Jasper include:

1.    Grounding and Stability: Many believe that Noreena Jasper has grounding properties, helping individuals connect with the Earth's energy and fostering a sense of stability and balance.

2.    Enhanced Creativity: The unique patterns and colours in Noreena Jasper are thought to stimulate creativity and enhance one's ability to express themselves artistically.

3.    Emotional Healing: Some proponents suggest that Noreena Jasper can aid in emotional healing, promoting a sense of tranquillity and inner peace.

4.    Physical Vitality: It is believed by some that Noreena Jasper may support physical vitality and endurance, making it a popular choice for those seeking increased energy levels.

Medical Disclaimer

While many people find metaphysical benefits in gemstones like Noreena Jasper, it's crucial to note that these claims are largely based on anecdotal evidence and personal experiences. Gemstones are not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

If you have a medical condition or concerns about your physical or mental health, it is imperative to consult with a qualified healthcare professional. Gemstones should be regarded as complementary tools rather than primary treatments for any medical conditions.

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Lucy Watkins Lucy Watkins


Uncover the Mystical Beauty of Malachite: A Gem from Nature's Palette

Welcome, gemstone enthusiasts, to another intriguing chapter of our exploration into the mesmerizing world of minerals. In this edition, we turn our attention to one of Earth's most captivating gems, malachite. With its vibrant shades of green and fascinating history, malachite has long captured the hearts of gemstone aficionados and jewellery lovers alike.

A Journey into the Origins

Malachite was first discovered in ancient times. The origins of its discovery can be traced back to several regions across the globe.
One of the earliest recorded occurrences of malachite can be found in ancient Egypt, dating back to around 4000 BCE. The ancient Egyptians cherished this vibrant green mineral and used it extensively in their art, jewellery, and even cosmetics. They believed malachite possessed mystical properties and used it to ward off evil spirits.
Similarly, the ancient Greeks and Romans were captivated by the beauty of malachite. The mineral received its name from the Greek word "malache," meaning "mallow," due to its resemblance to the leaves of the mallow plant. The Greeks and Romans used malachite as a decorative stone in various forms, from jewellery and sculptures to architectural accents.
Malachite was also discovered in other regions of the world. In Russia, for instance, the Ural Mountains were renowned for their vast malachite deposits. The deposits in this area were so extensive that they supplied malachite to the rest of Europe for centuries. Russian artisans skilfully crafted intricate artwork and decorative objects from this captivating mineral.

Malachite, a mineral, a copper carbonate hydroxide, is predominantly found in regions known for their mineral richness such as Russia, Australia, Democratic Republic of Congo, Zambia, Namibia, South Africa and the United States.

The Legend and Lore

Malachite weaves together a tapestry of cultural and historical significance that reverberates across civilizations. According to ancient folklore, this gemstone was regarded as a protective talisman against evil spirits and misfortune. It was also believed to have healing properties, aiding in the treatment of ailments related to the heart and liver.

Aesthetics that Inspire

The vibrant colours and distinct patterns of malachite make it a versatile gemstone, lending itself to a wide array of applications. Jewellery designers often showcase malachite as a centerpiece in rings, earrings, necklaces, and bracelets. Its unique banding patterns add an artistic touch to any design, making it a favourite choice for statement pieces.
From modern and minimalist settings to intricate and ornate designs, malachite adapts to various jewellery styles, making a striking fashion statement that is both timeless and contemporary. For those seeking a touch of luxurious opulence, malachite accented home décor pieces, such as vases, table tops, and decorative artifacts, can instantly elevate any living space.

Caring for Malachite

Like all gemstones, malachite requires proper care to preserve its splendour for generations to come. Due to its relatively low hardness, malachite should be handled with care to avoid scratching or chipping. Clean it gently with a soft cloth and a mild soap solution, and avoid exposing it to harsh chemicals and extreme temperatures.

Malachite’s Metaphysical Properties

Malachite, known for its mesmerizing green hues, possesses potent metaphysical properties that have captivated spiritual seekers for centuries. As an ancient stone with a rich history, malachite is believed to bring forth transformation and positive energy. It is closely associated with protection from negative energies and emotional healing, allowing one to release past traumas and emotional baggage. This vibrant stone is also thought to enhance intuition and promote spiritual growth, opening the door to inner wisdom and self-discovery. Additionally, malachite is said to be a stone of abundance and manifestation, empowering individuals to attract prosperity and manifest their desires into reality. Embracing the metaphysical energy of malachite can bring about profound shifts in consciousness, encouraging personal growth, and fostering a deep connection to the spiritual realm.


Dive into the depths of nature's palette and embrace the magical allure of malachite. With its awe-inspiring green hues and enigmatic patterns, this gemstone transcends centuries, cultures, and trends, standing as a testament to the timeless allure of natural beauty. Whether you're an ardent gem lover or simply seeking a gemstone that embodies elegance and sophistication, malachite is here to enchant you. Embrace malachite's mystique, allow it to elevate your style, and experience the ethereal beauty that it bestows upon those who are lucky enough to encounter it.

Medical Disclaimer:
The information provided about malachite is intended for general knowledge purposes only and should not be considered as medical advice. It is important to consult with a qualified healthcare professional before using malachite or any other natural remedy for medical purposes. The use of malachite should not replace or delay seeking medical treatment or disregarding professional medical advice. Funky Posh does not endorse the use of malachite or any other natural substance as a substitute for proper medical care.

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Lucy Watkins Lucy Watkins



In the world of crystals and gemstones, each mineral carries its own unique charm and energy. Among these, lepidolite stands out as a captivating and powerful stone with a rich history and a host of metaphysical properties. From its stunning appearance to its reputed healing abilities, lepidolite has captured the attention of crystal enthusiasts and spiritual practitioners alike. In this blog post, we will delve into the fascinating world of lepidolite, exploring its origins, physical characteristics, and the myriad ways it is believed to benefit those who embrace its presence.

Origins and Formation:

Lepidolite is a lithium-rich mica mineral that belongs to the phyllosilicate group. Its name is derived from the Greek words "lepidos," meaning scale, and "lithos," meaning stone, due to its scaly appearance. This mineral is often found in association with other lithium-bearing minerals such as spodumene and tourmaline.

Lepidolite is commonly found in granite pegmatites, which are coarse-grained igneous rocks formed in the final stages of magma crystallization. Its distinctive lilac to violet color is attributed to the presence of manganese, although lepidolite can also be found in shades of pink, gray, and even colorless. Occasionally, lepidolite crystals may contain sparkles of black tourmaline or other inclusions, adding to their aesthetic appeal.

Metaphysical Properties:

Beyond its visual allure, lepidolite is highly regarded in the metaphysical realm for its purported healing and spiritual properties. Here are some of the key aspects associated with this remarkable gemstone:

  1. Calming Energy: Lepidolite is often considered a stone of calm and tranquility. Its soothing energy is believed to help alleviate stress, anxiety, and feelings of unease. Many individuals turn to lepidolite during times of emotional turmoil, finding solace in its gentle and nurturing vibes.

  2. Emotional Balance: This gemstone is said to support emotional balance and stability. It is thought to encourage a sense of inner peace, fostering harmony within oneself and promoting a positive outlook on life.

  3. Lithium Content: As a source of lithium, lepidolite is believed to have a positive impact on mood disorders and emotional well-being. Lithium is a key component in certain medications prescribed for conditions such as bipolar disorder and depression.

  4. Sleep Aid: Lepidolite is often used as a sleep aid. Placing a piece of lepidolite under the pillow or near the bed is thought to promote restful sleep and alleviate insomnia.

  5. Spiritual Growth: Beyond its calming properties, lepidolite is associated with spiritual growth and enlightenment. It is said to open the crown chakra, enhancing one's connection to higher states of consciousness and facilitating spiritual insights.

How to Use Lepidolite:

Incorporating lepidolite into your daily life can be a rewarding experience. Here are some ways to harness the energy of this enchanting crystal:

  1. Meditation: Hold a piece of lepidolite in your hand or place it on your body during meditation to enhance your spiritual practice and promote a sense of peace and serenity.

  2. Jewelry: Wear lepidolite jewelry, such as bracelets, necklaces, or rings, to carry its energy with you throughout the day.

  3. Sleep Support: Place a tumbled lepidolite stone under your pillow or near your bed to promote restful sleep and alleviate nightmares.

  4. Home Decor: Display lepidolite specimens in your living space to create a calming and harmonious atmosphere.


Lepidolite, with its captivating appearance and myriad metaphysical properties, has earned its place as a beloved gemstone in the world of crystals. Whether you are drawn to its aesthetic beauty or its reputed healing energies, incorporating lepidolite into your life may open the door to a journey of emotional balance, tranquility, and spiritual growth. As with any crystal, it's essential to approach lepidolite with an open heart and an intention to embrace the positive energy it offers.

Medical Disclaimer:

While lepidolite has been historically associated with various metaphysical and holistic properties, it is crucial to note that the information provided in this blog post is not intended to replace professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. The use of lepidolite or any other crystal as a complementary approach to well-being should not be considered a substitute for conventional medical care.

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Lucy Watkins Lucy Watkins


All about Kyanite its metaphysical properties, locations and uses.

Raw Kyanite

Unveiling the Mysteries of Kyanite: Geographical Info, Localities, Uses, and Metaphysical Properties

Welcome back, Funky Posh readers! Today, we invite you on a captivating journey deep into the enchanting world of kyanite. Trace its origins to the remote and mesmerizing geographical regions it hails from, explore its manifold uses, and unlock the metaphysical properties that have fascinated humans for centuries.

Geographical Info: Where Kyanite Finds its Roots

Despite being an underrated gemstone, kyanite has a captivating birthplace. It is predominantly found in mountainous regions across the globe, such as Nepal, Brazil, Austria, Switzerland, and the United States. These diverse locations ensure that kyanite possesses a unique blend of colours and characteristics, making it all the more appealing.
Perhaps one of the most well-known sources of kyanite is the Himalayan region, tucked away in the high altitudes of Nepal. The serene landscapes of the Himalayas bless us with exquisite kyanite in hues ranging from celestial blues to vibrant greens. This rare beauty draws many nature enthusiasts and gem collectors alike to explore its mystical allure.

Localities and Uses: Where Does Kyanite Shine?

Kyanite isn't just a pretty face; it has a multitude of practical uses that make it an invaluable gemstone. Let's take a closer look at some of its primary applications:

1. Jewellery: As jewellery aficionados know, kyanite has unique qualities that make it perfect for creating stunning pieces. Its distinct transparency, elegant color variations, and various shapes make it a popular choice for pendants, earrings, and rings that elevate any outfit.
2. Industrial Purposes: Kyanite's industrial applications are vast. Due to its exceptional heat resistance, it is utilized in the manufacturing of high-temperature crucibles, refractory bricks, and heat-resistant ceramics.
3. Metallurgical Sector: In metallurgy, kyanite plays a crucial role in the production of steel and aluminum. Its ability to withstand high temperatures and act as a refractory material makes it an indispensable component in these industries.
4. Healing Arts: Beyond its utilitarian uses, kyanite is widely celebrated for its healing properties. It is believed to align the chakras, enhance communication skills, and promote tranquillity and peace of mind.

Metaphysical Properties: Unlocking The Spirit of Kyanite

Kyanite's metaphysical properties have mesmerized spiritual seekers for ages. Let's explore some of its captivating spiritual attributes:

  • Amplifying Energies: Kyanite is known to enhance energy flow and amplify the effects of other crystals or gemstones. Its vibrational energy acts as a bridge to connect with higher realms, bringing clarity and an expanded consciousness.

  • Stimulating Intuition: By quieting the mind and restoring energetic balance, kyanite helps sharpen intuition and psychic abilities. It is often used during meditation or spiritual practices to access deeper realms of knowledge and insight.

  • Promoting Communication: Often revered as a stone of self-expression, kyanite is thought to strengthen communication skills and assist in speaking one's truth with confidence and clarity. It is a valuable tool for those seeking to improve interpersonal relationships or enhance public speaking abilities.

Discover Kyanite's Magic

As we conclude this magical journey through the world of kyanite, we hope you've gained a newfound appreciation for this captivating gemstone. From its geographical origins to its diverse applications and metaphysical properties, kyanite has proven itself to be a true treasure of the Earth. Whether worn as jewellery, used in industrial applications, or embraced for its spiritual qualities, kyanite continues to captivate and inspire all who encounter its allure.
Unlock the secrets of kyanite and let its mesmerizing beauty and profound influence guide you toward a path of self-discovery and enlightenment.

Medical Disclaimer
The information provided on kyanite by Funky Posh is for general informational purposes only and should not be considered as medical advice. The content presented is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical diagnosis, treatment, or guidance.
Please consult with a qualified healthcare professional before incorporating kyanite into your wellness routine.

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Lucy Watkins Lucy Watkins


Harnessing the Ancient Power of Jade: A Fascinating Gemstone

Jade, with its mesmerizing green hues, is a gemstone that has captured the human imagination for centuries. Beyond its undeniable beauty, jade is steeped in cultural significance and is believed to possess metaphysical properties that have made it highly sought after.

A Brief History:
Jade holds a rich and illustrious history and a revered place in the annals of human history, dating back over 7,000 years. Ancient civilizations revered this stone for its mesmerizing beauty and believed it possessed remarkable mystical properties. Cultures across the globe, from the ancient Chinese and Mayans to the Maori’s and Aztecs, all revered Jade as a symbol of wealth, status, and spirituality.

Here are some key moments that mark its historical significance:

  • Ancient China: Jade is deeply rooted in Chinese culture, where it symbolizes purity, longevity, and virtue. It was used for ceremonial and ornamental purposes, often carved into intricate designs, and buried with the deceased as a symbol of immortality.

  • Mayan and Aztec Civilizations: In Mesoamerica, jade was considered more valuable than gold. It was used to craft intricate jewelry, masks, and ceremonial artifacts, reflecting its spiritual and cultural importance.

  • Maori Culture: The indigenous people of New Zealand, the Maori, have long revered greenstone, a type of nephrite jade. These prized pounamu (greenstone) treasures are passed down through generations and used in rituals and ceremonies.

    Origin and Localities:
    Jade is a gemstone that comes in two different mineral forms: jadeite and nephrite. Each type has its distinct properties and origins:

  • Jadeite: This is the rarer and more valuable form of jade. It is primarily found in Myanmar (formerly Burma) and is often referred to as "Burmese Jade." Jadeite's vibrant green color and high translucency are some of its defining characteristics.

  • Nephrite: Nephrite jade is more common and is found in various locations around the world, including China, Canada, Russia, New Zealand, and the United States. It is generally darker in colour and has a softer appearance compared to jadeite.

    Metaphysical Properties:
    Jade is renowned for its metaphysical properties, which are believed to impart a sense of peace, abundance, and protection to those who possess it. Here are some of the key attributes connected to this remarkable gemstone:

  • Healing: Jade is believed to have healing properties, especially for the kidneys and urinary system. It is also thought to aid in detoxification and balance the body's energies.

  • Protection: In many cultures, jade is considered a protective stone, warding off negative energies and promoting harmony and balance in one's life.

  • Prosperity: Jade is often associated with good luck and wealth. It is believed to attract abundance and prosperity to those who wear or possess it.

  • Emotional balance: Jade is said to help calm the mind and soothe turbulent emotions, promoting inner peace and emotional stability.

  • Spiritual growth: Some believe that jade enhances spiritual growth and insight, helping individuals connect with their inner wisdom and the spiritual realm.

    Medical Disclaimer:
    While many people believe in the metaphysical properties of jade, it is essential to remember that these beliefs are not scientifically proven. Gemstones like jade should not be used as a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment.

    If you have health concerns or medical conditions, it is crucial to consult with a qualified healthcare provider. Jade, like any other gemstone or holistic remedy, should be viewed as a complementary practice rather than a primary means of addressing health issues.

    Please note: This article is meant for informational purposes only and should not be considered as medical or professional advice.

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Lucy Watkins Lucy Watkins


Gemstones have captivated human beings for centuries, not only for their exquisite beauty but also for the belief that they hold mystical properties capable of influencing our lives in profound ways. Among these gems, iolite stands out as a gemstone that not only captivates with its enchanting hues but also holds a special place in the realm of metaphysical properties.

Physical Attributes

Iolite, often referred to as "water sapphire" due to its varying shades of blue-violet, is a mineral belonging to the silicate group. Its name is derived from the Greek word "ios," meaning violet. Iolite is found in various regions around the world, including India, Sri Lanka, Madagascar, and Tanzania. What makes iolite truly fascinating is its property of pleochroism, which means it displays different colors when viewed from different angles. In iolite's case, this quality can manifest as deep blue, violet, or even a grayish hue.

Metaphysical Properties

For centuries, iolite has been associated with numerous metaphysical properties and spiritual significance. Many believe that iolite has the power to connect with the third eye chakra, which is linked to intuition, inner wisdom, and spiritual insight. It is thought to stimulate the pineal gland, which is often referred to as the "seat of the soul." As a result, iolite is said to enhance one's ability to perceive information beyond the physical senses and to trust their own inner guidance.

Enhancing Intuition and Inner Vision

Iolite is often considered a stone of vision and illumination. It is believed to facilitate a deeper understanding of oneself and the world around us, encouraging self-discovery and personal growth. Those who work with iolite during meditation or energy healing practices often report heightened intuition and a clearer connection to their higher self.

Unlocking Creativity and Expressiveness

Creativity flows like a river through the human spirit, and iolite is thought to be a facilitator of creative energy. By enhancing one's ability to access inner wisdom and inspiration, iolite can help individuals express their unique artistic talents and communicate their thoughts and emotions more effectively.

Guiding Through Transitions

Life is a journey of constant change and transformation, and iolite is believed to be a supportive companion through these transitions. It is said to assist in releasing old patterns, fears, and doubts that might hinder personal growth. By promoting clarity and a broader perspective, iolite can guide individuals towards making positive decisions and embracing change with grace.

Embracing Balance and Harmony

In addition to its other metaphysical properties, iolite is also thought to balance the yin and yang energies within an individual. This balance can lead to a sense of harmony, both internally and in one's interactions with the external world.

Embracing the Essence of Iolite

Whether you're drawn to iolite for its mesmerizing beauty or its metaphysical properties, this gemstone has a rich history of captivating hearts and minds. As you explore the realm of iolite, remember that the true power of any gemstone lies not only in its perceived properties but in the intention and energy you infuse into your connection with it. Whether you're seeking to enhance your intuition, unlock creativity, or simply adorn yourself with a piece of nature's artistry, iolite invites you to delve into the depths of your inner world and embrace the journey of self-discovery.

DISCLAIMER: All medical and health information given in this blog should not be used for medical treatment or diagnosis. For any health issues a registered medical health care professional should be consulted.

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Lucy Watkins Lucy Watkins


The name "hypersthene" comes from the Greek word "hyper" meaning "over" or "above", and "sthene" meaning strength. Hypersthene is also known by the name Eulite and its colour range includes greens, browns and black.

Hypersthene is a relatively common mineral found in various geological settings. It is primarily mined from igneous and metamorphic rocks, especially those rich in magnesium and iron. It is also often found in basaltic and gabbroic rocks and is a frequent constituent of meteorites. Some of the notable locations where hypersthene can be found include: Norway, Canada, USA, India, Australia, Madagascar and Russia.

On the Mohs scale of mineral hardness, hypersthene scores 5 to 6. This means it is relatively hard compared to common minerals but can still be scratched by harder substances like quartz.


 Metaphysical Properties

 1.    Grounding and Protection: Hypersthene is believed to have strong grounding properties, helping individuals stay connected to the earth and their surroundings. It is thought to offer a sense of stability and security, providing a shield against negative energies and promoting a feeling of protection.

2.    Emotional Balance: Hypersthene is considered to be a calming stone that can help soothe and balance emotions. It is said to alleviate stress, anxiety, and tension, encouraging a sense of tranquillity and inner peace.

3.    Introspection and Insight: Hypersthene is believed to enhance self-awareness and introspection. It is thought to help individuals gain a deeper understanding of their emotions, thoughts, and behaviours, leading to personal growth and self-discovery.

4.    Intuition and Psychic Abilities: Some metaphysical practitioners associate hypersthene with increased intuition and enhanced psychic abilities. It is believed to open the third eye chakra, promoting spiritual insights and enhancing one's connection to higher realms. Solutions and answers to problems of all magnitudes come quickly to the user.

5.    Communication and Expression: Hypersthene is said to support clear and effective communication, helping individuals express their thoughts and feelings more confidently and authentically. It helps one stand up for that which is ‘right’ morally.

6.    Transformation and Adaptability: As a stone associated with change and transformation, hypersthene is believed to aid in adapting to new situations and embracing life's transitions.

7.    Chakra Alignment: Hypersthene is often associated with the root (base) and third eye chakras. The root chakra is connected to grounding and stability, while the third eye chakra is related to intuition and spiritual awareness.

As with any metaphysical or healing properties attributed to gemstones, it's essential to remember that these claims are not scientifically proven. The effects experienced by individuals can vary significantly, and they should not be used as a substitute for professional medical or psychological advice or treatment. If you are interested in exploring the metaphysical properties of hypersthene or any other crystal, it's best to approach it with an open mind and a personal sense of curiosity.

DISCLAIMER: All medical and health information given in this blog should not be used for medical treatment or diagnosis. For any health issues a registered medical health care professional should be consulted.


Google :BARD

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Melody– Love is in the Earth, Pg 329-330, Earth - Love Publishing House, Colorado, USA, 1995  

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Lucy Watkins Lucy Watkins


Garnet is a beautiful and versatile mineral that has a variety of uses. It is a popular gemstone and is also used in a variety of industrial applications. Garnet is also used in metaphysical applications and is said to have a variety of benefits.

Hessonite Garnet on Kambaba Jasper

Garnet is a beautiful and versatile mineral that has a variety of uses. It is a popular gemstone and is also used in a variety of industrial applications. Garnet is also used in metaphysical applications and is said to have a variety of benefits.

Although associated with the colour red, Garnet is found in a variety of colours, and colourless, including red, orange, yellow, green, purple, brown, and black. Garnets are not a single gem species but a complex family of varieties and many species.

It is mined in various locations around the world, including Africa, Asia, Europe, North America, and South America. Deposits are most commonly found in metamorphic and igneous rocks.

Garnets have been used since the Bronze Age as gemstones and abrasives. All species of garnets possess similar physical properties and crystal forms, but differ in chemical composition. The different species are pyrope, almandine, spessartine, grossular, uvarovite and andradite.

  • Pyrope: Pyrope is the most common and most valuable type of garnet. It is a deep red colour and it from this colour that it gets its name from the Greek word for fire and eye.

  • Almandine: Almandine is a deep red to purple colour and is often used in jewellery. It is also used in abrasives and as a gemstone for lasers.

  • Spessartine: Also known as Spessartite garnets. Spessartine is a orange-red colour and is often used in jewellery. It is also used in lasers.

  • Grossular: Grossular garnets come in almost every colour except blue. They are rarely red or dark and are often used in jewellery. They are often also used as cabochons and beads.

  • Uvarovite: Uvarovite garnets are a dark, rich green colour and are the rarest members of the garnet family. They are rarely faceted as they don’t often have the transparency needed for faceting. Jewellery is made with the druzy as raw stone designs. It is also used to make beads.

  • Andradite: Andradites come in a range of colours from greens, yellows to golden browns to black colours and is one of the most sought after garnet species. Gem quality andradites are very rare and sought after. They are also used in abrasives and as a gemstone for lasers.

  • Hardness: 6-7.5

  • Zodiac Sign: Leo, Virgo, Capricorn, (varies according to type)                 

  • Planet: Mars

  • Chakra: Base, Heart (purifies and energises all)                                             


Metaphysical Properties

Garnet has a number of metaphysical properties that are said to benefit the wearer. It is said to promote love, passion, and protection. It is also said to help to open the heart chakra and to promote emotional healing. Garnet is also said to be a powerful stone for grounding and for connecting with the earth.

 Here are some of the metaphysical properties of garnet:

  • Love: Garnet is said to promote love, passion, and romance. It is said to help to attract love into the wearer's life and to strengthen existing relationships.

  • Protection: Garnet is said to be a powerful stone for protection. It is said to help to shield the wearer from negative energy and to promote a sense of safety and security.

  • Grounding: Garnet is said to help to ground the wearer and to connect them to the earth. It is said to help to stabilize the emotions and to promote a sense of peace and tranquillity.

It is important to note that these are just some of the metaphysical properties that are attributed to garnet. The actual effects of garnet may vary from person to person. If you are interested in using garnet for metaphysical purposes, it is best to consult with a qualified practitioner.

Hessonite Garnet

Now as, Hessonite Garnet is one of my favourites, here is some additional information specifically about Hessonite Garnet.

Hessonite garnet is a variety of grossular garnet that is typically orange-yellow to reddish-orange in colour. It is found in a variety of locations around the world, including India, Brazil, and the United States.

Hessonite garnet is often used in jewellery, and it can also be used in metaphysical applications. It is said to promote creativity, passion, and protection. It is also said to help to balance the emotions and to promote spiritual growth.

Here are some of the metaphysical properties of hessonite garnet:

  • Creativity: Hessonite garnet is said to promote creativity and imagination. It is said to help the wearer to think outside the box and to come up with new ideas.

  • Passion: Hessonite garnet is said to promote passion and love. It is said to help the wearer to express their emotions more freely and to experience a deeper level of intimacy.

  • Protection: Hessonite garnet is said to be a powerful stone for protection. It is said to help to shield the wearer from negative energy and to promote a sense of safety and security.

  • Balance: Hessonite garnet is said to help to balance the emotions and to promote emotional stability. It is said to help the wearer to deal with difficult emotions in a healthy way.

  • Spiritual growth: Hessonite garnet is said to promote spiritual growth and enlightenment. It is said to help the wearer to connect with their higher self and to experience a deeper sense of purpose.

It is important to note that these are just some of the metaphysical properties that are attributed to hessonite garnet. The actual effects of hessonite garnet may vary from person to person. If you are interested in using hessonite garnet for metaphysical purposes, it is best to consult with a qualified practitioner.

 DISCLAIMER: All medical and health information given in this blog should not be used for medical treatment or diagnosis. For any health issues a registered medical health care professional should be consulted.


Google :BARD

 Hall, Judy – The Crystal Bible, Pg 135-139,Octopus Publishing Group, London, 2003, 2009

Hall, Judy – The Encyclopaedia Of Crystals ,Pg47, Fair winds Press, Massachusetts, 2013

International Gem Society : Garnet Value, Price, and Jewelry Information - Gem Society   

                Wikipedia : 

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Lucy Watkins Lucy Watkins


Fluorite from the Lady Annabella mine in the UK

Fluorite is a mineral composed of calcium fluoride, CaF2. Fluorite is known for its wide range of colours, which can include purple, blue, green, yellow, orange, and colour. Fluorite is also known for its cubic crystal structure.

Fluorite is a relatively common mineral, and is found in many parts of the world. Some of the major sources of fluorite include China, Mexico, the United States, Canada, and South Africa.

Fluorite has a number of practical uses. It is used in the production of steel, aluminium, and other metals. It is also used in the production of glass and ceramics. Fluoride, the element that fluorite is composed of, is also used in toothpaste and other dental products.

Fluorite is also used for metaphysical purposes. It is said to promote creativity, concentration, and communication. It is also said to help to protect the wearer from negative energy.

                                   Hardness: 4

                                   Zodiac Sign: Capricorn, Pisces

                                   Planet: Mercury

                                  Chakra: Heart (cleanses all -varies according to colour)


Metaphysical Properties

  • Mental clarity: Fluorite is said to promote mental clarity and focus, making it a good choice for students, professionals, and anyone who wants to improve their cognitive function. It helps overcome any form of disorganization.

  • Stress relief: Fluorite is also said to be helpful for relieving stress and anxiety, making it a good choice for people who are feeling overwhelmed or stressed. It helps stabilise the emotions.

  • Insight: Fluorite is also said to promote insight and intuition, making it a good choice for people who are seeking guidance or trying to make decisions.

  • Protection: Fluorite is also said to be a protective stone, shielding the wearer from negative energy, computer and electromagnetic stress.

  • Healing: Fluorite is also said to be helpful for healing the mind, body, and spirit. It is said to be particularly beneficial for the throat, third eye, and crown chakras.

Fluorite is a versatile stone that can be used for a variety of purposes. It is a popular choice for meditation, healing, and protection. It can also be used to enhance creativity, focus, and intuition.

Metaphysical properties of Fluorite, according to colour

  • Green fluorite: Green fluorite is said to promote growth, healing, and abundance. It is also said to be helpful for relieving stress, anxiety and abdominal disorders.

  •  Blue fluorite: Blue fluorite is said to promote communication, intuition, creativity and peace of mind. It is also said to be helpful for relieving headaches, migraines, ear, eye, nose and throat problems.

  • Purple fluorite: Purple fluorite is said to promote spirituality, creativity, and imagination and is a great meditation stone. It is also said to be helpful for relieving depression, anxiety and bone/ bone marrow disorders.

  • Yellow fluorite: Yellow fluorite is said to promote confidence, motivation, and self-esteem. It is also said to be helpful for relieving digestive/liver problems and treating cholesterol.

  • White fluorite: White fluorite is said to promote balance, harmony, and peace of mind. It is also said to be helpful for relieving insomnia and nightmares.

    It is important to note that the metaphysical properties of fluorite are not scientifically proven. However, many people believe that fluorite can be a helpful tool for improving their lives. If you are interested in trying fluorite, you may want to experiment with different colours and see which one works best for you.

Ways to use Fluorite

  • Carry it with you: You can carry fluorite with you in your pocket or purse to help you stay calm and focused.

  • Place it in your home: You can place fluorite in your home in areas where you need help with stress relief, creativity, or protection.

  • Meditate with it: You can meditate with fluorite to help you connect with its energy and receive its benefits.

  • Sleep with it: You can sleep with fluorite under your pillow to help you have a restful night's sleep.

Fluorite is a safe and non-toxic crystal. However, it is important to cleanse and charge your fluorite regularly to keep it working at its best. You can cleanse your fluorite by using a variety of methods, such as smudging with sage, burying it in the ground, or placing it in running water. You can charge your fluorite by placing it in the sun or moonlight.

(Metaphysical Healing: not a Prescription)

DISCLAIMER: All medical and health information given in this blog should not be used for medical treatment or diagnosis. For any health issues a registered medical health care professional should be consulted.


Google: BARD 

 Hall, Judy – The Crystal Bible, Pg 128-131,Octopus Publishing Group, London, 2003, 2009

Hall, Judy – The Encyclopedia Of Crystals ,Pg 177, Fair winds Press, Massachusetts, 2013

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Lucy Watkins Lucy Watkins


Eudialyte has a number of metaphysical properties that are said to benefit the wearer. It is said to promote love, compassion, and forgiveness. It is also said to help to open the heart chakra and to promote emotional healing. It is also thought to be a powerful stone for protection and grounding.

Eudialyte is a rare cyclosilicate mineral that is found in alkaline igneous rocks. It is typically red, pink, or brown in colour, but can also be found in other colours, such as yellow, green, and blue. Eudialyte is a relatively soft mineral, with a hardness of 5 to 6 on the Mohs scale.

Eudialyte is found in a number of locations around the world, including Russia, Greenland, Norway, Canada, Madagascar and the United States. It is most commonly found in the Kola Peninsula of Russia, where it was first discovered in 1818. It was named from the Greek word ‘eu’ meaning well and ‘dialytos’ meaning decomposable because it rapidly dissolves in acid.

Hardness: 5-6

Zodiac sign: Virgo

Number: 3

Chakra: Heart, links Base and Heart, helps align all.

Metaphysical Properties

Eudialyte has a number of metaphysical properties that are said to benefit the wearer. It is said to promote love, compassion, and forgiveness. It is also said to help to open the heart chakra and to promote emotional healing. It is also thought to be a powerful stone for protection and grounding.

Here are some of the metaphysical properties of eudialyte:

  • Love: Eudialyte is said to promote love, compassion, and forgiveness. It is said to help to open the heart chakra and to promote emotional healing.

  • Protection: Eudialyte is said to be a powerful stone for protection and grounding. It is said to help to shield the wearer from negative energy and to promote a sense of safety and security.

  • Grounding: Eudialyte is said to help to ground the wearer and to connect them to the earth. It is said to help to stabilize the emotions and to promote a sense of peace and tranquillity.

  • Healing: Eudialyte is said to help heal depression and helps one to release negative emotions and free one from a negative self impression. It is said to enable self-forgiveness and self-love.

    It is important to note that these are just some of the metaphysical properties that are attributed to eudialyte. The actual effects of eudialyte may vary from person to person. If you are interested in using eudialyte for metaphysical purposes, it is best to consult with a qualified practitioner.

 DISCLAIMER: All medical and health information given in this blog should not be used for medical treatment or diagnosis. For any health issues a registered medical health care professional should be consulted.


Hall, Judy – The Encyclopaedia Of Crystals ,Pg 27, Fair winds Press, Massachusetts, 2013

Eudialyte - Wikipedia

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Lucy Watkins Lucy Watkins


Dumortierite - blog - properties- metaphysical qualities

Dumortierite Is named after the French palaeontologist, Eugene, Dumontier(1803- 1873).  It is mostly blue in colour but can portray purple, pink, grey or brown.  

Dumortierite is not a common mineral, it was first discovered at Ducarre's Quarry, Beaumont, Rhône, France in the 1800,s.

It typically occurs in high temperature aluminium rich metamorphic rocks. The largest deposits have been found in France, Austria, Italy, Madagascar, Peru, Brazil, China, Russia and the USA.

Dumortierite is used as a gemstone, but is more commonly used as a mineral specimen. It is also used in the production of glass and ceramics.

Hardness: 7

Zodiac sign: Leo

Number: 4

Chakra: Third Eye, Throat



Dumortierite is a beautiful and unusual mineral that is prized by collectors and gemologists alike. It is a stone of peace and tranquillity and it is said to promote mental clarity and understanding. Dumortierite is also said to be a stone of healing and protection.

Here are some of the metaphysical properties of Dumortierite.

·       Promotes peace and tranquillity

·       Enhances mental clarity and understanding

·       Promotes healing and protection

·       Awakens the third eye

·       Opens the heart chakra

·       Enhances intuition

·       Promotes psychic abilities

·       Helps to connect with higher realms

·       Brings balance and harmony to the mind, body and spirit


This mineral encourages one to “stand up for one’s self”, it imbues self-confidence and helps to eliminate stubbornness and develop a positive attitude to life

It’s a wonderful stone to help with patience and allows one to recognise the potential of others.

It aids one in understanding reality and that reality is an illusion, whilst that illusion is real.

It allows one to verbalise spiritual ideas and can help remove discord in relationships. It is also said to attract a soulmate.

It helps provide insight and strength into conditions of dis-ease, allowing one to find and understand the root cause. It aids one in releasing past life causes of disease and is helpful with cases of addiction.

If you are looking for a beautiful and unusual mineral that is said to have many metaphysical properties, dumortierite is a great option.

 DISCLAIMER: All medical and health information given in this blog should not be used for medical treatment or diagnosis. For any health issues a registered medical health care professional should be consulted.


Dumortierite: The mineral dumortierite information and picture (

Dumortierite - Wikipedia

Hall, Judy – The Encyclopaedia Of Crystals ,Pg 150, Fair winds Press, Massachusetts, 2013

Melody – Love Is In The Earth , Pg 250, Earth Love Publishing House, Colorado, 1995sdd….

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Lucy Watkins Lucy Watkins


Carnelian - all about this fabulous gemstone

One origin of the name Carnelian comes from the Latin carnis, meaning flesh, due to its colour. It is a variety of chalcedony that ranges in colour from yellow-orange to red-orange to orangey brown. Iron is the source of its colour.

It is predominantly mined in India, Brazil, Russia, Australia, South Africa, Madagascar, Uruguay, USA, UK, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Romania, Peru, Germany, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Iceland.

Carnelian is an ancient stone having been evidenced as being around as early as the 4th-5th millennium BC. In Roman times it was used in signet rings and seal rings to imprint seals in wax on important documents. In Israel it was known to be the first stone in the High Priests Breastplate.


MOHS hardness: 6.5 to 7

Chakra: Base, Sacral

Number: 6

Zodiac: Taurus, Cancer, Leo, Scorpio


                                                                        Metaphysical Properties

Carnelian is a stone of vitality but also a grounding and stabilising stone which is great for motivation and a boost for your creativity.

It also has the wonderful ability of cleansing other stones.

It can help one remove the fear of death by accepting the cycle of life. In ancient times it was used as a talisman to protect on the journey to the afterlife.

This stone helps one overcome negative conditioning, it helps with confidence, decision making, courage and motivation.

It improves mental clarity, concentration, memory, perception as well as analytical abilities.

It protects one against rage, jealousy, envy and resentment be it from yourself or others, it calms anger.

Carnelian activates the Base chakra, stimulating the metabolism and vitality and can help with an increase in physical energy.

It has the medical claims of assisting healing of lower back issues, arthritis, rheumatism, neuralgia and depression. It has also been used to treat issues with the female reproductive system, increasing fertility, overcoming frigidity and impotence. As well as improving vitamin and mineral absorption it ensures a good bodily blood supply and assists the kidneys, bone and ligament healing.

Best positioned in contact with the skin and if placed near the front door it invites abundance to the home as well as invoking protection.


 DISCLAIMER: All medical and health information given in this blog should not be used for medical treatment or diagnosis. For any health issues a registered medical health care professional should be consulted.

Hall, Judy – The Crystal Bible, Pg94-95,Octopus Publishing Group, London, 2003, 2009

Hall, Judy – The Encyclopedia Of Crystals ,Pg43, Fair winds Press, Massachusetts, 2013

Melody – Love Is In The Earth , Pg183-184, Earth Love Publishing House, Colorado, 1995sdd….

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Lucy Watkins Lucy Watkins



Bloodstone is a type of chalcedony. It has been around for centuries and has been known as “heliotrope”. It is the modern birthstone for the month of March.

It is a fairly hard stone, being a 7 on the Mohs scale. Quality bloodstone has a dark green base colour with splashes of red concentrations of iron oxide minerals, commonly hematite which are randomly arranged like splattered blood.

The colour pattern has the religious significance of being like the “Blood of Christ” which is where its name and popularity stemmed from.

Bloodstone is largely found in India with deposits also in Australia, Brazil, China, Czech Republic, Madagascar, Russia, South Africa and the USA.

Meta Physical Properties

Bloodstone is a powerful healing mineral and a stone of courage. It can be used to re-align the vibrational energies in the base, navel, sacral and heart chakras. It can help to centre and ground and assists one to “be here now” and live in the present moment. It also assists one in managing the distress of vibrational re alignment.

Bloodstone has protective qualities helping to keep out undesirable influences and assists in adjusting one to unfamiliar circumstances.

Bloodstone has been used as an aid to enhance ones talents, creativity and decision making skills.

It has also been used to facilitate communication with the ancestors and in ancient times was thought of as an “audible oracle” which could warn of danger.

Bloodstone is a great blood and energy cleanser, immune stimulator and revitalizer. It has been used in the treatment of leukaemia and to shrink tumours. It has also been used in the treatment of the spleen, kidneys, bladder, liver and intestines. It is able to remove and eliminate toxins from the body.

DISCLAIMER: All medical and health information given in this blog should not be used for medical treatment or diagnosis. For any health issues a registered medical health care professional should be consulted.


Hall, Judy – The Crystal Bible, Pg84-85,Octopus Publishing Group, London, 2003, 2009

Melody – Love Is In The Earth , Pg16-161, Earth Love Publishing House, Colorado, 1995

Hall, Judy – The Encyclopedia Of Crystals ,Pg105, Fair winds Press, Massachusetts, 2013

Bloodstone is a type of chalcedony. It has been around for centuries and has been known as “heliotrope”. It is the modern birthstone for the month of March.

It is a fairly hard stone, being a 7 on the Mohs scale. Quality bloodstone has a dark green base colour with splashes of red concentrations of iron oxide minerals, commonly hematite which are randomly arranged like splattered blood.

The colour pattern has the religious significance of being like the “Blood of Christ” which is where its name and popularity stemmed from.

Bloodstone is largely found in India with deposits also in Australia, Brazil, China, Czech Republic, Madagascar, Russia, South Africa and the USA.


Meta Physical Properties

Bloodstone is a powerful healing mineral and a stone of courage. It can be used to re-align the vibrational energies in the base, navel, sacral and heart chakras. It can help to centre and ground and assists one to “be here now” and live in the present moment. It also assists one in managing the distress of vibrational re alignment.

 Bloodstone has protective qualities helping to keep out undesirable influences and assists in adjusting one to unfamiliar circumstances.

Bloodstone has been used as an aid to enhance ones talents, creativity and decision making skills.

It has also been used to facilitate communication with the ancestors and in ancient times was thought of as an “audible oracle” which could warn of danger.

Bloodstone is a great blood and energy cleanser, immune stimulator and revitalizer. It has been used in the treatment of leukaemia and to shrink tumours. It has also been used in the treatment of the spleen, kidneys, bladder, liver and intestines. It is able to remove and eliminate toxins from the body.


DISCLAIMER: All medical and health information given in this blog should not be used for medical treatment or diagnosis. For any health issues a registered medical health care professional should be consulted. 



Hall, Judy – The Crystal Bible, Pg84-85,Octopus Publishing Group, London, 2003, 2009

Melody – Love Is In The Earth , Pg16-161, Earth Love Publishing House, Colorado, 1995

Hall, Judy – The Encyclopedia Of Crystals ,Pg105, Fair winds Press, Massachusetts, 2013

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Lucy Watkins Lucy Watkins

Gemstone Dictionary

Happy New Year Everyone.

I’ve thought for some time that it would be great to start a dictionary of all the different gemstones I use in jewellery making and what better time than the start of a new year.

I want to show not only the geological information but also to share the meta physical properties of the stones. All gemstones have vibrational qualities known to assist, protect and help guide us in this journey called life. I will try do do one blog per month starting with the letters of the alphabet. Here is the 1st Gem, Ametrine.


Ametrine is also known by the name trystine and the trade name bolivianite. Almost all gem quality ametrine is mined from a single site in Bolivia.

It is a naturally occurring type of quartz with a mixture of both amethyst and Citrine being the zones of purple and yellow. Differing oxidation states of iron create the colour zones. Citrine contains oxidised iron while amethyst contains unoxidized iron.

Non-commercial deposits of ametrine have also been found in the United States, Canada, India, and Mozambique.

Meta Physical Properties

Ametrine combines the properties of Amethyst and Citrine powerfully. This stone can bring insight into the cause of long standing disease, connecting the physical realm with higher consciousness.

Ametrine is useful in meditation bringing greater focus by clearing the mind of stress and tension. It can help one enter the state of astral travel and protects against psychic attack.

Ametrine supports connectivity and overcomes prejudice by showing how we are all linked. The stone stimulates creativity allowing us to take control of our lives. Ametrine brings mental clarity, finds solutions to problems, strengthens concentration to think things through and brings creative solutions.

Ametrine can release emotional blockages and negative programming by bringing insight to the underlying causes of emotional distress.

Ametrine is a powerful cleanser which dispels negativity from the aura and toxins from the body. It is a blood cleanser which strengthens the immune system and oxygenates the body.

It helps to heal chronic fatigue syndrome(CFS), depression, ulcers, gastric problems, tension headaches and stress related conditions. “It releases blockages in the physical, emotional and mental subtle bodies”.- (Judy Hall -The Crystal Bible ,58)

DISCLAIMER: All medical and health information given in this blog should not be used for medical treatment or diagnosis. For any health issues a registered medical health care professional should be consulted.

References : Ametrine Value, Price, and Jewelry Information - International Gem Society

Ametrine - Wikipedia

The Crystal Bible – Judy Hall , pg’s 57- 58

LOVE IS IN THE EARTH – A Kaleidoscope of Crystals- Melody, pg’s 113, 114

I thought it would be a great idea to start a dictionary of all the different gemstones I use in jewellery making. I want to show not only the geological information but also to share the meta physical properties of the stones. All gemstones have vibrational qualities known to assist, protect and help guide us in this journey called life. I will try to do one blog per month starting with the letters of the alphabet. Here is the 1st Gem, Ametrine.

Jan - Ametrine

Feb - Bloodstone

March - Carnelian

April - Dumortierite

May - Eudialyte

June - Fluorite

July - Garnet

August - Hypersthene

September - Iolite

October - Jade

November - Kyanite


Ametrine is also known by the name trystine and the trade name bolivianite. Almost all gem quality ametrine is mined from a single site in Bolivia.

It is a naturally occurring type of quartz with a mixture of both amethyst and Citrine being the zones of purple and yellow. Differing oxidation states of iron create the colour zones. Citrine contains oxidised iron while amethyst contains unoxidized iron.

Non-commercial deposits of ametrine have also been found in the United States, Canada, India, and Mozambique.

Meta Physical Properties

Ametrine combines the properties of Amethyst and Citrine powerfully. This stone can bring insight into the cause of long standing disease, connecting the physical realm with higher consciousness.

Ametrine is useful in meditation, bringing greater focus by clearing the mind of stress and tension. It can help one enter the state of astral travel and protects against psychic attack.

Ametrine supports connectivity and overcomes prejudice by showing how we are all linked. The stone stimulates creativity allowing us to take control of our lives. Ametrine brings mental clarity, finds solutions to problems, strengthens concentration to think things through and brings creative solutions.

Ametrine can release emotional blockages and negative programming by bringing insight to the underlying causes of emotional distress.

Ametrine is a powerful cleanser which dispels negativity from the aura and toxins from the body. It is a blood cleanser which strengthens the immune system and oxygenates the body.

It helps to heal chronic fatigue syndrome(CFS), depression, ulcers, gastric problems, tension headaches and stress related conditions. “It releases blockages in the physical, emotional and mental subtle bodies”.- (Judy Hall -The Crystal Bible ,58)

DISCLAIMER: All medical and health information given in this blog should not be used for medical treatment or diagnosis. For any health issues a registered medical health care professional should be consulted.

References :

-Ametrine Value, Price, and Jewelry Information - International Gem Society

-Ametrine - Wikipedia

-The Crystal Bible – Judy Hall , pg’s 57- 58

-LOVE IS IN THE EARTH – A Kaleidoscope of Crystals- Melody, pg’s 113, 114

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